About Us

Registered officially in January 2023 as a Canadian non-profit organization, the Transparency Institute is operated by a volunteer board and relies on your contributions to continue our work. The Board is also supported by volunteers who serve on various committees. Membership includes the right to vote at the Transparency institute Annual General meeting.


The Board is democratically elected by members at the Annual General Meeting. Any committee members or donors may apply for membership through a letter or email addressed to the Board which includes a biography and the committee of interest. The application may be approved by a majority vote of the Board. The board does not profit from the Institute; pursuant to transparent and accountable stewardship, there will be online public disclosure of the bylaws, annual reports, and financial statements that also disclose any services or products that might be purchased from a 3rd party vendor or contractor or employee or Board member.

Research Mission:

Enhance research-informed decision-making and cooperation among various levels of government and other stakeholders, which includes the general public, through evidence-based research that includes comparative, policy, and field research, of complaints and compliments transparency best practices in priority research locations that include over 50,000 law enforcement organizations in Canada, USA, UK, EU, Australia, New Zealand.

Education Mission:

Advance education for democratic institutions’ priority sectors, priority locations, and the general public on law enforcement misconduct, service, policy, internal, formal, and informal complaints accountability and compliments transparency; through the public ranking of organizations and governments’ implementation of best practices.

Training Mission:

Reduce the disproportionate cost of the lack of transparency on the reputation of good officers and the s7 Charter of Rights to life, health, safety, and security of low-income individuals, female officers, Indigenous people and visible minorities through the development of training materials for on-site and off-site conferences for democratic institutions priority sectors that include:

  • Police associations or boards or chiefs or officers or professional standards or investigators or adjudicators or legal services, councillors;
  • Public safety ministers or deputy ministers or chiefs of staff or directors of policy;
  • Access to information personnel, crown counsels, defence or employment lawyers, legal aid and human rights defenders, non-governmental organizations “NGO” transparency personnel;
  • Ombudsmen or auditor generals or privacy or conflict of interest or integrity commissioners or Human Resource “HR” or other government complaint processing personnel.

Board Of Directors

Ade Olumide


Joseph Regis


Caleb Voltaire


Deji Ogunyemi


Peter Williams
